Sunday 20 May 2012

Cabby hits bike in fatal crash at Bedok Reservoir Road

Several STOMPers submitted pictures of this fatal crash at Bedok Reservoir Road that occurred at about 10pm last night (May18).

STOMPers AkuNameless, andrew and Rachel all sent in pictures and reports about the accident.

AkuNameless was alerted of the accident when the bus he was travelling in was forced to stop.

He wrote:

"I spotted this motorbike and taxi accident.

"I was was taking bus 66 on the way home after having dinner and I noticed the bus was not moving.

"I was wondering what had happened. The driver let all the passengers alight to walk as the whole road had been blocked by the SCDF and Traffic Police.

"While I was walking home I saw a huge crowd crowded at an area looking at the accident.

"I saw one bike that was reduced to just scrap metal and a taxi that had its door dented.

"To all drivers and riders. Please be extra careful while riding and driving.

"More and more accidents are happening nowadays.

"Be extra careful."

STOMPer andrew notes the time of the incident:

"There was a fatal accident at Bedok Reservoir Road at around 10 plus pm."

- 骑士夜访老师 出门10分钟出事
- 7旬司机开德士20余年

On the day he was killed, the young accident victim had ironically tweeted about dying.
He also tweeted about his loneliness and said that if he died, he would die alone.
Later that day, Mr Mohamed Shahidy Affendi, a 23-year-old ITE student, 
was killed in an accident involving his motorcycle and a taxi.
The victim’s elder brother, Mr Mohamed Afhamnasry, 28, 
told The New Paper on Sunday yesterday that he found out about the tweets only hours after the crash.
He said: “Sometimes when he’s emotional, he would post these type of messages. 
We never suspected anything amiss.”
Read the full story in The New Paper on Sunday (May 20).

How did this happened?
Unless there was a camera nearby, or else we won't know.
Al road users should be more careful on the road.

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