Saturday 2 June 2012

They just don't learn: Cabby's reckless driving at junction almost causes accident

STOMPer Kell is enraged that this taxi driver changed direction in the middle of a T-junction yesterday evening (May 31). She thinks he is needlessly endangering lives.

With the Ferrari crash at Rochor road less than a month ago, reckless driving has been thrown in the spotlight. Traffic accidents appear to be on the rise, with more incidents of drink driving and vehicles cutting lanes.

Said the STOMPer:

"What a 'world-class' idiot!

"Why can't the cabbie make up his mind?

"He swerved to the right after he committed to a left turn.

"Worst of all, he did this in the middle of a T-junction with oncoming traffic.

"Does he want to be next on the long list of recent accident casualties?"

From what I see, STOMPer should had slow down and give way.
Why, cos the taxi was out.

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