Friday 27 January 2012

Call Centre...OMG

I not sure if anyone have the same experience with call centre.
Nowadays, alot of them are either not located locally or don't really employed alot locals.
Not that I say that all locals' English language skill are good...but majority are not bad.

So who they employed?
India, Malaysians, Filipinos, PRC etc...
But majority are Filipinos.
Why?...cos they are considered having the better English language standard.
And alot of them think so themselves.
But I don't really agree with it.
(Some do speaks very well)
They had an accent thats make it difficult to understand what they are speaking.
Below are some cases I encountered.

ComfortDelgro taxi call centre
Once I got a call.
The customer told her to let me know he is waiting for me at his block lobby.
But she told me to go to the floor level.
So I joked with her that I can't unless the taxi can fly.
Yet she she still continue to ask me go to the floor level.
After the 2nd try, and she still didn't get it...I gave up.

UOB call centre
I called to complain a matter.
After trying to explain 2times, she told me if she can get a Chinese speaker.
I told her to call her manager.
After talking to the manager (local), I asked him if he had difficulty understandingg me.
His reply is no.
Everything was settle in 1 go.
I may not be speaking like a native English speaker.
But I am good enough that any native English speaker will be able to understand me perfectly well.

Singtel call centre
I called to ask about my broadband plan.
Even after asking her/him twice, they still failed to provide the info I needed.
Its only after a local staff called me...that I fully got the info I wanted.

Is it really no choice but to employ foreign workers to handelr?
I know they are lower cost to the company.
But seriously, they also caused more problems too.
There are alot of short saying about that they don't understand.

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