Sunday, 30 September 2012

My work trip to ShenZhen, China 18-22Jul 2012

Changi Airport Terminal 1 after renovation.

Nothing much to eat, but better than nothing to eat.

Flying off soon.

Reached HongKong, welcome by the rain.

Waiting for the car ride to ShenZhen.

The driver had a really big hand.

Looks like going to rain soon.

Got the same room as last trip.

KFC meal, their take for charity.

Pizza Hut had a really nice Chinese name.

My dinner.

The name sound like....

Tea not full leaf?

Time flies, flying back the day after.

Someone caught a peacock near the hotel.

The headlines for ShenZhen small newspaper.

Saw this uncle for 2 days, he was telling history or selling things?

This food store really give rice.

Direct translation 扣扣怕.

After breakfast, bye bye to ShenZhen.

Morning dance.

His name is Angel.

Century Hotel.

At HongKong Airport.

Design flaw?

Air crew cut kid's queue.

This 'big' sister really dare to wear.

 Meal at the HongKong Airport.

 HongKong Airport budget airline waiting hall.

Flight delayed for 1.5hr.

Finally reached Changi Airport.

Special protection for the 'Leopard'.

New attraction at Changi Terminal 1.

On the home.

Can't find a taxi? That's because they're all here at Changi Airport

Another person that don't know their math.
Singapore had over 26k taxis.
Even half of it not on the road, the other half all at Changi Airport?
I didn't know over 13k taxis can queue at Changi Airport. 
So did STOMPer really count all the taxis there?
Or he was just pissed with cabbies to say this charge?
Or maybe he want to as famous as Chris Reed.

No taxis? Some offer extra cash to get a ride

 When there is a demand, there will be supply.
The only way to stop it, when there is no demand.
But, will it stop?
I doubt so.
The government can try to stop it.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Cabby calls in the police when passenger has no small change to pay $7 fare

Currently is a one sided story.
Chances were both at fault.
Both were being childish for this case.

Letters regarding cabbies

Honest cabby get commended.
Always nice to hear it.

1st letter by just asking Taxi drivers to set example of good driving habits is wrong.
2nd letter is right to stated that bad driving habits common to all drivers.
If any one don't believe, they can try to be on the road for more than 5hrs to see.
Everyone have to do their part for safer road for all.

Able to pass doesn't mean good taxi drivers is right.
It actually depend on one's character and attitude.

More are need to be done to protect cabbies.
Cabbies being self-employed, once need MC, won't be able to earn income.
But rental still need to be paid to company.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Driver of blue Comfort cab could be hit-and-run culprit'

A one sided story.
What's the true?
Only both of them know.
But from the photo,
The cabby seem to be at the wrong place and the wrong time.

Driver escapes unhurt after his lorry hits taxi and overturns at Eunos Link

If its true that the lorry driver fallen asleep, he will pay quite a big fine.
Unlucky cabby to be there.
But all of them are lucky to escape unhurt.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

'Ridiculously' long taxi queue outside NEX blocks buses

Some cabbies should learn not to block the bus stop.
This way only wasted alot people's time. and also their own time.

You better not cut your nails or pick your nose on board this cab

STOMPer think this is stupid.
But its not.
How would you like if you know the previous passengers did all these?
o everyone should do their own part.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Outstation from 21-24Sep

I will be outstation from 21-24 Jul.

Call for action against to stop violence against cabbies

Looks like nowadays more cheating and beating cases towards cabbies.
Is it because majority of cabbies are older?
Or because cabbies are likely to be alone with no others to help on the spot?
How to stop or cut it down?
Maybe having a safety panel and camera can help cut it down?

Cabby terrorised by teen girls

This cabby really unlucky.
He can't even catch hold of them.
Why..cos they can cry molest.
This charge is more difficult to clear for the cabby.