Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Men hit taxi bonnet and threaten to beat up cabby -- and even aunties join in

Cabby was too rush to sound the horn.
Also, he also horn too many times.
1 tap should be enough.
As the few people that attacked the cabby, you all are really idiots.
You all may be angry, but hitting the cabby is wrong.
Even you all got all the right reasons, hitting someone is wrong unless in self-defense.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Taxi driver parks car in handicapped lot just to have breakfast

Looks like another one still can't beat the power of social media.
So its best not to do bad things.
You will never when you will get to be on the bad side of social media.

Passenger fears for his safety after cabby pulls nasty stunt

Even if the red cab was angry, he shouldn't pulled this stunt.
He not only endanger his own life but also others too.
He also forget that there is such thing call car camera.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Hong Kong taxi driver cleared over 6 cent overcharge

Though this is not about cabbies in Singapore, but its a cabby news which might happened here.
But seriously, this was a stupid action taken.
Its a really wasted of tax payers' money.
I really hope this won't happen in Singapore.

Cabby sacked for watching video when driving

Severed him right to be fired.
Since you decided to do this with passenger on board, you will have to bear the back lashed.

Kind cabby stops to help woman who fell and takes her to the hospital -- for free

Good news about cabbies are rare.
So its nice to see one.

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Drive sport car to buy chicken rice, got into arguement with cabby

This is a one sided story.
I hope the reporters can get cabby's side of the story.
But my gut feel is both sides were wrong.
But this is a small matter and both sides made a mountain out of it.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Booked 4 taxis but only want 1 taxi

This is the reason why taxi companies should start getting tough on this.
As long the booking charges are not a must pay upon booking, it will always be abused.

Woman, 84, injured after taxis collide

Hope the injured get well soon.
This is the reason why we should check before turning into the main road.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Man falls 12 storeys and lives

This guy was really lucky.
Its just not his time to die.

Why do 'nice guys' rage on the road?

Really nice guy?
Or maybe he an anger management.

Cabby turns aggressive after Korean passenger asks to pay fare with credit card

Another one sided story.
Both parties were at faults.
An argument can only start with two willing parties.

Taxi drivers to receive handbook on safety reminders & tips

The book can teach but still can't prevent.
Its best to come out with more practical solution, like installing CCTV inside the taxi.

Cabby so busy talking on the phone, he drives on wrong lane and almost hits car

One sided story.
From the video, likely both got fault.