Thursday, 31 January 2013

Drunk taxi passenger punched cop in the face

The cabby was really lucky that the passenger didn't hit him.
But the police officer was unlucky.
But justice was done.

More Singaporeans taking taxi license

More Singaporeans taking taxi license as an insurance, in case no job.
It's not a bad idea as a backup plan.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Gary the goat brought to court for eating flowers

So now goat also can be sued in Australia?
And next sue which animal?
But how they going to defend themselves?

Cabby parks at no-parking area after metal pole gets uprooted

So this cabby forgot about the power of handphone camera and social media.
And so forgot about parking rules.
Or maybe he/she want to be famous on social media...haha.

Comfort Delgro taxis' new MDT with pinhole camera

Comfort Delgro taxis' new MDT with pinhole camera.
Passengers worried about their privacy.
Company said that it will only activate when the distress button is being pushed.
So what if no chance to puss the distress button?

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Clerk punched cabby, spat at cop and exposed himself outside police station

Thats what drinking too much can do to one self.
So don't drink too much.
One must know one's limit.

Car mangled and debris scattered all over road after Jln Eunos accident

When do u-turn or turning, really need to be more careful.
Just few days back at this junction, I also almost hit a u-turn car too.
She just u-turn and immediately cut through 3 lanes.
Luckily I managed to stop in time.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Friday, 18 January 2013

Boyfriend caught in booby trap dies

So should boobs be classified as deadly weapons?
So will she be charged with manslaughter?

Cabby uncle witness Lornie Road accident

Cabby uncle unwilling became an eye witness in a midnight accident at Lornie Road.
The young lady driver was speeding and lost control of her car.
She was lucky to survive.
Cabby uncle and his passengers were also lucky to escape unhurt too.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Giant 'cockroach' on top of cab amuses passer-by

Looks like this advertisement is getting the attention it was meant to get.
Guess it still up to whether will people buy or not?

More cabbies using bus stops as 'illegal taxi stands' to wait for passengers

Looks like STOMPer is complaining about the one infront of Northpoint at Yishun.
But even the taxi don't queue there, people will still stand there to get taxi.

Accident at Rochor junction again

This accident was at the same junction as the Ferrari accident.
Looks like this junction is quite jinx.
This junction had seen quite alot of accidents.
Everyone better be more careful at this junction.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Cabby of Changi Village stabbing victim: 'Blood kept coming out of his stomach'

Looks like this cabby is a hero.
He had handled the situation quite well.
No need to worry that he might not about to handle the death of his passenger.
Good job!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Injured person hailed a cab to hospital

Injured person hailed a cab to hospital.
But died from his injury.
Poor cabby, wonder how is he handling it.

Goondu cabby's sudden turn lands him on a pedestrian pathway at Simei

This cabby might had made a mistake.
But don't accused of nearly knocking down people.
Cos from the photos, cabby was nowhere close to the cyclist.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Cabby hogs taxi stand for nearly half an hour

Though no date and time on photo to prove.
But chances were quite high was true.
Why, STOMPer waited almost an hour for this story.
If its true, this is another stupid cabby.
Don't ever learn about the power of camera phone and social media?

Check out this cabby's blind left turn -- it nearly caused a crash

One sided story from STOMPer.
Or rather he/she got 'I am right only' attitude.
The taxi was on the main road, thus have the right of way.
But what caddy did wrong was to turn too fast.
As for STOMPer, there was a stop line.
You were supposed to stop and check for traffic and not rush out.
So both were wrong, with STOMPer more at fault because of traffic rule.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Sony unveils waterproof phone you can use in the shower

If this is really waterproof, you will see more people taking longer shower.
People already take their phone into the toilet.
Now shower, looks like there will be more water wastage.
Thus water and electricity bill will be scary soon.

Boy sent flying after being knocked down by car at zebra crossing

Hope the boy is ok.
This accident not caused by taxi.
But the video was taken by a cabby's car camera.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Trainee pilot lands plane after wheels fall off

This guy is really very lucky.
But you also got to praised him for his calmness.
He managed to get his instruction right to land the plane.
The rest, will be his luck to survive the land.
In which he did.

Driver seeks witnesses after crash with cabby leads to dispute

So whose fault?
Either one of them or both were at fault?
Guess only let the traffic police to investigate.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Cabby blatantly smokes while driving

Yes, smoking while driving is wrong.
If this cabby smoke while driving a passenger, he was really wrong.
But I doubt so this cabby will do that.
Cos that will only earned him a complain to the company.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Sunday, 6 January 2013

'Dogfighting' cabbies caught on car camera trying to run each other off road

2 idiot cabbies.
But it also seem that 1 of them did finally woke up from his stupidity.
He filter out of the expressway to stop stupid fight.
But STOMPer, this seem to happened more than a month back.

Taxi hits lorry near driver's side door on PIE

I think STOMPer might be wrong.
From the photo, it looks more like the lorry skied and the taxi didn't managed to brake in time.
Thus don't think its taxi's fault for this accident.

Friday, 4 January 2013

On call from mother and daughter

What are the chances that you got current call from both mother and daughter?
Well, I did encountered it.
That day I got a current call.
After accepting it, I felt strange when I try to see the address more clearly.
As the road was not a popular road, I remembered that I had a current call from it few days back.
As I reached there, I realised that its the same house as the one I had few days back.
After picking up the senior lady, I asked if the other lady is related to her.
(I remember her name as it not common and its the same as I of my customer from long time ago.)
She said its her daughter.
She was as surprised as me for this coincident.

Taxi driver jailed for loanshark harassment, robbery charges

Was he cabby 1st before he begin as a loanshark runner or the other way around?
But the fact was he was doing illegal things.
So its good that he is punished for it.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

汽车闯红灯 险撞倒2女郎

Why blur the car plate?
His car number should be made known.
1st he beat red light.
Next he got involved in an accident.
So did he run off?
Do we have to wait for part 2?


Smoking, putting on makeup & eating while driving are traffic offenses?
Looks like most of us didn't know about this.
Especially alot of us like to eat while driving, so as to save time.
Looks like to change this habit asap.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!